For awhile, it looked as if all hope was lost. Hendrick,
the owner of the Kelloggs Chevrolet driven by Terry
Labonte, the DuPont Chevrolet driven by Jeff Gordon,
the Budweiser Chevrolet driven by Ricky Craven, and
the GMAC Chevrolet of Jack Sprague in the Truck series,
was battling chronic myelogenous leukemia. It looked
as if the 1997 season would be filled with distractions; something
that a championship organization does its best to avoid. But the mark of a champion is how
they respond to adversity. Hendrick Motorsports is a
championship organization; they responded in fine
Rick Hendrick has always been very involved with his
race teams. He wasn’t an absentee owner that just paid
the bills for the race team. Starting with All Star
Racing and driver Geoff Bodine in 1984, Hendrick took
an active role in his race teams. He even drove in a
few races in 1987. He was one of the largest auto
dealers in the country, but racing was his passion.
On race day, you could always find him standing in
the pits, before, during, and after the race, talking
with his drivers and the crews. All of his drivers
refer to him as a good man, and more importantly a
good friend. Now that friend wasn’t at the track anymore
and that made racing tougher than it already was.
"As much as it got us down it also got us back up," Jeff
Gordon said. "Rick sat us down and said that he would
take care of this and for us the best thing to do
would to win races." That’s just what he did. Gordon
drove his DuPont Automotive Finishes Chevrolet to 10
wins and the 1997 Winston Cup, the third in a row for
Hendrick Motorsports. "Wins," Rick told Jeff, "are the
best medicine I could ever get." After Gordon, Labonte,
and Craven finished 1-2-3 in the 1997 Daytona 500, the
three drivers met in victory lane and held up a sign
saying, "This one’s for Rick."
After Gordon won the race, he spoke with Rick for a few minutes before getting out of his car
on a cellular phone;
with all those people wanting his time at the moment,
Rick was the one who got it. At the end of the season
everyone could see how it hurt Jeff to not have Rick in
New York. (Unless you forgot his very emotional speech
at the Winston Cup banquet.) Benny Parsons, an ESPN
commentator, said, "This is a case where this young man
wants Rick here." It was an unbelievable season
for Gordon and to not have the man who made it all
possible not there was rough.
Leukemia had affected the DuPont team before Rick
Hendrick was diagnosed with the disease. Ray Evernham,
crew chief of the DuPont Chevrolet, had already been
through the fear of leukemia with his son Ray J.
Ray J. is now in remission but it had to have brought back
feelings that Evernham hoped were behind him. When Ray
J. was sick, Evernham saw what kind of a boss he
had. At that time in 1992, Evernham had just started
working at Hendrick Motorsports. Rick Hendrick gave
him the use of his private plane to fly back and forth
from Charlotte to New Jersey. "He is better now but
you are scared to death every time he gets a cold,"
Evernham said about Ray J’s condition.
Before the 1997 Daytona 500, Evernham joined Gordon,
Labonte, Craven, NASCAR President Bill France Jr., and
others in the NASCAR community to raise bone marrow
donor awareness. All drivers also carried the 1-800-MARROW-2 phone
number on their cars. On that Sunday, over 200,000 calls were made
to the bone marrow awareness number.
Terry Labonte’s run at defending his title was met with
ups and downs. His team was hampered by the departure
of Gary Dehart, his longtime crew chief. As a result,
the Kelloggs team lacked the communication of their
title season. They stayed in the top 10 in the points
standings, but didn’t visit victory lane until October
at Talladega. The relief on Labonte’s face was
noticeable in victory lane. In his post-race interview,
he took the time to tell Rick hello. Rick was never out
of the mind of his drivers.
Ricky Craven was "the new guy in town" heading into the
1997 season. Craven joined the team at the conclusion
of 1996 and struggled throughout his first season with
the team battling injuries. Craven had multiple races
end in wrecks and bad finishes. After his car owner was
diagnosed with leukemia, thoughts of an earlier time
must have passed through his mind. When he was making
his climb up the racing ladder, his mother was diagnosed
with cancer. Eventually, she needed a bone marrow
transplant. Luckily a donor was found and the
transplant was a success. Earlier in the 1998 season,
Ricky sat out four months in order to recover from post
concussion syndrome. In his first race back in the
car at New Hampshire, he claimed the pole position and
thanked Rick and Linda Hendrick for "their support in
all of this."
Hendrick Motorsports has spearheaded the campaign for
bone marrow awareness in NASCAR circles. The Hendrick
Marrow Program began earlier this year to make people
aware of the need for marrow donors. The program seeks
to launch drives to recruit donors, raise funds for
"typing" and to educate people about the National
Marrow Donor Program. Since The Hendrick Marrow Program
began, almost 17,000 new volunteers have joined the
registry and over $600,000 has been raised.
The drivers have gotten involved with the cause as well.
In addition to donating money, the Hendrick Motorsports
drivers have arranged marrow drives and have attended
benefits in order to increase the donor pool. Jeff
Gordon recently participated in an autograph session
in Charlotte, North Carolina in order to benefit
Charles Hayward. Hayward, a UNCC basketball recruit,
was diagnosed with leukemia in October 1997. John
Hendrick, whose brother Rick is also battling the
disease, developed a friendship with Hayward soon
after. Terry Labonte and wife Kim
hosted a marrow drive in their hometown of High Point,
North Carolina. Over 1,000 people came out to be marrow
typed and to meet the Labontes. Ricky Craven holds an
annual Snowmobile Ride for Charity each winter in his
native New England. In addition, Close-Up toothpaste
gave The Hendrick Marrow
Program $10,000 to do a marrow drive during the
Charlotte race in October 1997. This money helped
to pay for new marrow volunteers to be tested.
In 1960 there was a 4% survival rate of 5 years with
leukemia. In the 1990's, there is a 52% survival
rate. So we are doing something right but there are still
many people who die waiting for a marrow transplant. Anyone
between the age of 18-60, in good general health,
with no history of cancer, heart disease, diabetes,
or a heart problem, can donate bone marrow. It’s
strange to think that someone thousands of miles
away or someone in your own town could be waiting for
someone they have never met to give them a second
chance at life. This article wasn’t about leukemia
in itself; it is about survival. Hopefully,
that is what Rick Hendrick is on his way to doing so that he
can return to the sport that he loves.
(August 8, 1998)- - At the conclusion of the 1996 Winston Cup
season, Hendrick Motorsports was at its pinnacle; the picture of NASCAR
success both on and off the track. Terry Labonte had just won
the second consecutive Winston Cup title for the organization and it
looked as if nothing could derail the operation that
has set the standard for multi-car teams in NASCAR.
However, late in 1996, Rick Hendrick, the founder of
Hendrick Motorsports, was diagnosed with a form of
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